Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Long Time in the Making...

Today was a banner day for Kirstin and I...well this weekend was. Saturday we had Mike and Rachel over for dinner and photography talk. Kirstin made potato soup and chocolate chip cookies. Then today Kirstin sang in the choir while I played bass guitar in church. That was a first for us! Hopefully it was the first of many more to come! We both have been praying for her health to improve for years and I think God has sent us a miracle. Her health has improved more in the past 3 weeks than I have seen in the last 3 years. I pray that this trend continues!

This trial has been a very exhausting one but God has seen me through and sustained me when I felt as if I could continue no more. I don't know why storms enter our lives...but two good friends of mine explained it to me this way: "There are people out there watching how you handle this Chip. God is using this to speak to just do not know who is watching who may come to know Him as a result of you holding steadfast". Those words have helped me get through the tough times and I hope they can help anyone else facing a storm as well. Trust in God and when a miracle happens give him the credit ;-) In our fast paced society we sometimes lose site of the miracles He performs everyday.

1 comment:

Chris Darling said...

Chip, it was so awesome to see both of you able to be on the platform today. Like you, I hope today was the first of many. We love you guys!!